Selective recognition of quaternary ammonium ions and zwitterions by using a biomimetic bis-calix[6]arene-based receptor

Steven Moerkerke, Volodymyr Malytskyi, Lionel Marcélis, Johan Wouters, Ivan Jabin

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Artificial receptors able to recognize efficiently chemical species bearing a quaternary ammonium group have potential applications in the fields of biological and environmental analyses. A possible biomimetic strategy for the elaboration of such receptors consists of associating in close proximity a polyaromatic cavity with a polar binding site. Herein, we show that bis-calix[6]arene 1 behaves as a heteroditopic receptor that can bind biologically relevant quaternary ammonium ions and zwitterions. This host can selectively extract carbamylcholine G3 from water, opening the way for the sensing of this acetylcholine agonist. In some cases, a kinetic selectivity is observed for the shorter guests whereas kinetically stable host-guest complexes can be detected under conditions where they are thermodynamically disfavoured. These results can be rationalized by the unique mode of entrance and escape of the guests into bis-calix[6]arene 1. All these binding properties strongly differ from those reported for related calixarene-based receptors.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)8967-8974
Nombre de pages8
journalOrganic and Biomolecular Chemistry
Numéro de publication42
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2017

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