Synergistically modulating d-band centers of bimetallic elements for activating cobalt atoms and promoting water dissociation toward accelerating alkaline hydrogen evolution

Shu Ming Li, Zhan Liu, Xiao Yun Li, Cui Fang Ye, Yu Li, Jin Ping Liu, Shen Yu, Ming Hui Sun, Li Hua Chen, Bao Lian Su, Yi Long Wang

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


It is of great significance to synergistically modulate d-band centers (εd) of multiple transition metals (TMs) for designing and developing highly efficient hybridized-electrocatalysts. Herein, the downshift in Co εd is realized by synthesizing Co single atoms with low nitrogen-coordination number (CoN2) at high T during the pyrolysis step while upshifting Ru εd is achieved via decreasing Ru precursor mass to anchor Ru nanoclusters instead of nanoparticles on CoN2−containing carbon substrates (CoN2/Ru−NC). In our strategy, the downshift in Co εd leads to a favorable affinity between Co sites of CoN2/Ru−NC and H* for desorption of H2; additionally, upshifting Ru εd helps the adsorption of OH* intermediates on Ru nanoclusters for CoN2/Ru−NC to promote water dissociation toward accelerating alkaline producing H2. In consequence, CoN2/Ru−NC demonstrates an outstanding activity with an ultralow overpotential of ∼ 9.0 mV at 10.0 mA cm−2, which suppresses activities of Pt/C (24.0 mV) and most previously-reported Ru-based electrocatalysts.
langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article123972
journalApplied Catalysis. B: Environmental
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 15 août 2024

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