Projects per year
Search results
Characterization of the lysosomal membrane protein p40 : study of the phenotype of mutant mice
Boonen, M. (Researcher), Jadot, M. (Researcher) & Lambert De Rouvroit, C. (Researcher)
1/01/08 → …
Project: Research
Involvement of lysosomes in apoptosis
De Coninck, S. (Researcher), Jadot, M. (CoI) & Wattiaux, R. (Researcher)
15/08/05 → …
Project: Research
Inter-organelle communication between mitochondria and lysosomes : a proteomic approach
Arnould, T. (PI), Hamer, I. (PI) & Jadot, M. (Researcher)
1/01/05 → …
Project: Research
Hyaluronidase 1 intracellular trafficking
Jadot, M. (PI), Boonen, M. (Researcher), Dogne, S. (Researcher) & Flamion, B. (CoI)
3/09/04 → …
Project: Research
Distribution and function of Hyal-1, a putative lysosomal hydrolase
Thirion, J. (PI), GASINGIRWA, M.-C. (Researcher) & Jadot, M. (CoI)
1/11/03 → …
Project: PHD
Study op p40, a novel protein of the lysosomal membrane
Boonen, M. (Researcher), Jadot, M. (CoI), Lambert De Rouvroit, C. (Researcher) & Tevel, V. (Technician)
1/01/03 → …
Project: Research
Centrifugation methods applied to the preparation and analysis of lysosomal fractions
Jadot, M. (PI), Thirion, J. (PI) & DAUTRELOUX, A. (Technician)
1/01/63 → …
Project: PHD
Identification et caractérisation d'une ou plusieurs voie(s) d'adressage des hydrolases acides vers les lysosomes indépendante(s) de la voie du signal mannose 6-phosphate
Jadot, M. (PI) & Boonen, M. (Researcher)
1/10/10 → 30/03/13
Project: Research
Effets du découplage mitochondrial dans les adipocytes sur la libération de molécules de communication intercellulaire comme les acides gras et les adipokines: recherche des mécanismes de la lipolyse et caractérisation de sécrétomes
Arnould, T. (CoI), DEMINE, S. (Researcher) & Jadot, M. (CoI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/14
Project: PHD
Effets du découplage mitochondrial dans les adipocytes sur la libération de molécules de
Arnould, T. (PI) & Jadot, M. (CoI)
1/10/10 → 30/09/14
Project: Research
Mechanisms involved in the intracellular trafficking of Brucella spp in the host cell
Jadot, M. (PI), Hamer, I. (Researcher) & LETESSON, J.-J. (CoI)
1/10/09 → 30/09/13
Project: PHD
Cross-talk between Brucella and eucaryotic cells : impact of bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) on the endocytic pathway and other cellular functions
LETESSON, J.-J. (PI), Jadot, M. (CoI), Arnould, T. (CoI), Raes, M. (CoI) & De Bolle, X. (CoI)
1/10/08 → 30/09/13
Project: Research
FRFC: Analyse de protéomes nucléaires, mitochondriaux et lysosomaux de cellules eucaryotes de mammifères dans des modèles d'étude portant sur le dysfonctionnement de l'activité mitochondriale et lysosomale ou la dédifférenciation adipocytaire
Arnould, T. (PI), Hamer, I. (PI), Jadot, M. (PI), Raes, M. (PI) & VERTEZ, M.-J. (Technician)
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Molecular basis of the mannose-6 phosphate signal retention in neuronal cells
Jadot, M. (CoI)
1/10/05 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
Study of the retrograde molecular communication induced by lysosomal storage
Jadot, M. (PI), Arnould, T. (CoI) & GOBLET, S. (Researcher)
1/10/04 → 30/09/08
Project: PHD
ARC: Study of Mito-Lysosomal and Lyso-Mitochondrial Molecular Communications Triggered By Organelle Dysfunction Using Proteomic Analysis
Arnould, T. (PI), Jadot, M. (PI), GOBLET, S. (Researcher), VEAUVY, C. (Researcher) & VERTEZ, M.-J. (Technician)
1/07/04 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Subcellular origin and routing of the plasma hyaluronidase Hyal-1
Flamion, B. (PI), Jadot, M. (PI) & GASINGIRWA, M.-C. (Researcher)
1/11/03 → 31/10/07
Project: PHD
Localisation, biosynthèse et transport de la protéine p40
Jadot, M. (CoI)
1/10/03 → 30/09/07
Project: PHD
Biosynthesis, transport and post-translational modifications of Hyal-2
Flamion, B. (PI), Jadot, M. (PI), Strijthagen, J. (PI) & VERTEZ, M.-J. (Technician)
31/08/00 → 30/12/05
Project: PHD
Uptake and intracellular fate of exogenous plasmidic DNA mediating transfection
De Coninck, S. (PI), Jadot, M. (PI) & LECOCQ, M. (Researcher)
1/01/99 → 15/12/04
Project: PHD
Contribution to the lysosomal proteome study
Jadot, M. (PI) & Wattiaux, R. (PI)
1/01/97 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Characterization of a dipeptidylaminopeptidase activity in the lysosome-like organelle of Giardia lamblia
Jadot, M. (PI), Thirion, J. (PI) & DAUTRELOUX, A. (Technician)
1/01/96 → 15/12/04
Project: Research
Intracellular trafficking of CFTR and deltaF508 CFTR
Hamer, I. (PI) & Jadot, M. (PI)
1/01/95 → 31/08/02
Project: Research
Uptake and intracellular fate of exogenous plasmidic DNA mediating transfection
De Coninck, S. (PI), Jadot, M. (PI), Laurent, N. (Researcher) & WARNIER, M.-T. (Technician)
1/01/94 → 15/12/04
Project: Research
Biosynthesis, transport and maturation of lysosomal precursor proteins
Jadot, M. (PI)
1/01/94 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Biosynthesis, transport and posttranslational modifications of procathepsin C, a lysosomal dipeptidylaminopeptidase
Jadot, M. (PI) & LERUTH, M. F. (Technician)
1/01/94 → 15/12/04
Project: PHD