Fluorosugars as inhibitors of bacterial enzymes

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceChapitre


Fluorinated carbohydrates play a major role in PET-Scan imaging and as diagnostic tools. They have also been instrumental tools to decipher the mechanism of key glycosyl-processing enzymes. The emergence of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has forced the scientific community to explore bacterial biosynthetic pathways in the hope to discover novel targets or novel inhibition principles that would allow for the discovery of novel antibacterial agents. This chapter will review the main synthetic strategies to access biologically relevant fluorosugars with a particular emphasis on the bacterial heptose and galactofuranose biosynthetic pathways.

langue originaleAnglais
titreFluorine in Life Sciences
Sous-titrePharmaceuticals, Medicinal Diagnostics, and Agrochemicals Progress in Fluorine Science Series
rédacteurs en chefGünter Haufe, Frédéric R. Leroux
Nombre de pages39
ISBN (Electronique)9780128127339
ISBN (imprimé)9780128127346
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2019

Série de publications

NomProgress in Fluorine Science

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