Calculé d’après le nombre de publications stockées dans Pure et de citations dans Scopus

Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel


Anthony Cleve is a full professor in information system evolution at University of Namur. He is a member of the PReCISE research center and of the Namur Digital Institute (NADI)

Previously, he was an ERCIM post-doctoral research fellow at INRIA Lille (2009-2010). He holds an MSc degree (2004) and a PhD degree (2009) in Computer Science from the University of Namur. He also worked as visiting researcher at CWI, Amsterdam (2005-2006).

Anthony's main research interests include information system maintenance and evolution, software and data reverse engineering, program analysis and transformation, self-adaptive and context-aware systems. 

His detailed CV is available here.

Domaines de compétence

Database engineering, reengineering & reverse engineering - Information system analysis, evolution, migration & renovation - Cross-analysis and co-evolution of databases & programs - Program analysis, transformation & generation - Self-adaptive, context-aware systems - artificial intelligence for software engineering and data management


  • Namurois de l'année 2022, catégorie Sciences
  • Best Paper Award at the 20th IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2020), NIER track
  • Best Paper Award at the 2016 International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2016)
  • IBM Belgium / F.R.S.-FNRS 2010 Award, presented for the best PhD thesis in Computer Science and Applications
  • Nominated for the Cor Baayen Award 2012, awarded to a promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics
  • ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan'' Post-doctoral Fellowship (December 2009 - November 2010)


  • PhD in Computer Science 
  • Master in Computer Science 
  • Bachelor in Economics and Management 


Expertise relative aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies

En 2015, les États membres des Nations Unies ont convenu de 17 objectifs de développement durable (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) pour éradiquer la pauvreté, protéger la planète et assurer la prospérité de tous. Le travail de cette personne contribue à la poursuite du/des SDG suivant(s) :

  • SDG 9 - Industrie, innovation et infrastructure
  • SDG 12 - Consommation et production responsables
  • SDG 13 - Action climatique

Qualification académique

Docteur ès sciences, Program analysis and transformation for data-intensive system evolution, Universite de Namur

Date d'octroi: 29 oct. 2009

Empreinte digitale

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