Plasma membrane nanodeformations promote actin polymerization through CIP4/CDC42 recruitment and regulate type II IFN signaling

Benjamin Ledoux, Natacha Zanin, Jinsung Yang, Vincent Mercier, Charlotte Coster, Christine Dupont-Gillain, David Alsteens, Pierre Morsomme, Henri François Renard

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


In their environment, cells must cope with mechanical stresses constantly. Among these, nanoscale deformations of plasma membrane induced by substrate nanotopography are now largely accepted as a biophysical stimulus influencing cell behavior and function. However, the mechanotransduction cascades involved and their precise molecular effects on cellular physiology are still poorly understood. Here, using homemade fluorescent nanostructured cell culture surfaces, we explored the role of Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain proteins as mechanosensors of plasma membrane geometry. Our data reveal that distinct subsets of BAR proteins bind to plasma membrane deformations in a membrane curvature radius–dependent manner. Furthermore, we show that membrane curvature promotes the formation of dynamic actin structures mediated by the Rho GTPase CDC42, the F-BAR protein CIP4, and the presence of PI(4,5)P2. In addition, these actin-enriched nanodomains can serve as platforms to regulate receptor signaling as they appear to contain interferon-γ receptor (IFNγ-R) and to lead to the partial inhibition of IFNγ-induced JAK/STAT signaling.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'articleeade1660
journalScience Advances
Numéro de publication50
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - déc. 2023

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