Idea Browsing on Digital Participation Platforms: A Mixed-methods Requirements Study

Antoine Clarinval, Julien Albert, Clémentine Schelings, Catherine Elsen, Bruno Dumas, Annick CASTIAUX

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceArticle dans les actes d'une conférence/un colloque

37 Téléchargements (Pure)


Digital participation platforms (DPP) are websites initiated by local governments through which citizens can post and react to ideas for their city. In practice, the majority of DPP users browse the posted ideas without contributing any. This activity, referred to as lurking, has widely recognized positive outcomes, especially in a citizen participation context. However, it has been devoted little attention. In practice, the idea browsing features available on current DPP are limited, and the literature has not evaluated the available approaches nor studied the requirements for idea browsing. In this paper, we report on an evaluation of the filterable list, which is the most common idea browsing approach on DPP. Our findings show that it lacks stimulation hedonic quality and call for a more stimulating approach. Thus, we conducted 11 semi-structured interviews to collect requirements and found that idea browsing on DPP should be supported by the combination of (1) a stimulating interactive representation such as circle packing or thematic trees displayed as entry point and (2) a filterable list for deeper exploration. This article is the first to study requirements for idea browsing features on DPP.
langue originaleAnglais
titreResearch Challenges in Information Science
Sous-titreInformation Science and the Connected World - 17th International Conference, RCIS 2023, Proceedings
rédacteurs en chefSelmin Nurcan, Andreas L. Opdahl, Haralambos Mouratidis, Aggeliki Tsohou
Nombre de pages16
ISBN (imprimé)9783031330797
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - mai 2023

Série de publications

NomLecture Notes in Business Information Processing
Volume476 LNBIP
ISSN (imprimé)1865-1348
ISSN (Electronique)1865-1356

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