Highly (Z)-Diastereoselective Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated exo-Glycals via Photoredox and Copper Catalysis

Christophe J.M. Frédéric, Jérôme Cornil, Mathilde Vandamme, Lidia Dumitrescu, Abdellatif Tikad, Raphaël Robiette, Stéphane P. Vincent

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Highly (Z)-diastereoselective approaches for the synthesis of trifluoromethylated exo-glycals by copper and photoredox catalysis are described. These complementary reactions are applicable to a wide range of methylene exo-glycals generated from the corresponding pyranoses and furanoses and give trifluoromethylated compounds under mild conditions in moderate to good yields. DFT calculations have allowed a rationalization of the observed (Z)-stereoselectivity.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)6769-6773
Nombre de pages5
journalOrganic Letters
Numéro de publication21
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2 nov. 2018

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