Gold Catalysis and Photoactivation: A Fast and Selective Procedure for the Oxidation of Free Sugars

Frédéric Sauvage, Yan Busby, Mehdi Omri, Matthieu Becuwe, Gwladys Pourceau, Anne Wadouachi

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs

2 Téléchargements (Pure)


A fast and efficient methodology for the selective oxidation of sugars into corresponding sodium aldonates is herein reported. Hydrogen peroxide was used as a cheap oxidant and electron scavenger, in the presence of only 0.003-0.006 mol % of gold in basic conditions. Three photocatalysts were studied, namely Au/Al 2O 3, Au/TiO 2, and Au/CeO 2, the latter being the most efficient (TOF > 750 000 h -1) and perfectly selective. Only a 10 min exposition under standard incident sunlight irradiation (A.M.1.5G conditions, 100 mW/cm 2) affords total conversion of glucose into the corresponding sodium gluconate. Demonstrating its versatility, this methodology was successfully applied to a variety of oligosaccharides leading to the corresponding aldonates in quantitative yield and high purity (>95%) without any purification step. The photocatalyst was recovered by simple filtration and reused 5 times leading to the same conversion and selectivity after 10 min of illumination.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)1635-1639
Nombre de pages5
journalACS Catalysis
Numéro de publication3
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2 mars 2018

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