Design, recruitment, logistics, and data management of the GEHA (Genetics of Healthy Ageing) project

A Skytthe, S Valensin, B Jeune, E Cevenini, F Balard, M Beekman, V Bezrukov, H Blanche, L Bolund, K Broczek, C Carru, K Christensen, L Christiansen, J C Collerton, R Cotichini, A J M de Craen, S Dato, K Davies, G De Benedictis, L DeianaF Flachsbart, J Gampe, C Gilbault, E S Gonos, E Haimes, A Hervonen, M A Hurme, D Janiszewska, M Jylhä, T B L Kirkwood, P Kristensen, P Laiho, A Leon, A Marchisio, R Masciulli, A Nebel, G Passarino, G Pelicci, L Peltonen, M Perola, M Poulain, I M Rea, J Remacle, J M Robine, S Schreiber, M Scurti, F Sevini, E Sikora, A Skouteri, O Toussaint, GEHA consortium

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