Bio-inspired porous silicon optical structure for gas sensing

Jonathan Rasson, Olivier Poncelet, Sébastien Mouchet, Olivier Deparis, Laurent A Francis

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un événement scientifique (non publié)PosterRevue par des pairs


    n this work we present a bio-inspired porous silicon structure for the optical detection of organic vapors. This structure, consisting of a periodic array of concave porous silicon multilayer stack, mimics the natural structure present on the Papilio blumei butterfly’s wings. This structure gives rise to a vivid iridescent coloration and exhibit gas sensing capacity thanks to its porosity. We compared the shift in the optical reflectance spectrum due to vapour adsorption inside the fabricated structure to the shift of traditional porous silicon Bragg mirror and observed an enhanced response for the fabricated structures. Influence of both ethanol and 2-propanol was tested on the structure and the optical responses were compared.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Nombre de pages2
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 7 mars 2016
    Evénement10th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology (PSST) Conference - Palas Pineda Hotel, Tarragona, Espagne
    Durée: 6 mars 201611 mars 2016

    Une conférence

    Une conférence10th Porous Semiconductors - Science and Technology (PSST) Conference
    Titre abrégéPSST
    La villeTarragona
    Adresse Internet

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