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Graduated in Computer Sciences in 2005, Fabian worked two years for a Big-5 IT consulting company. Part of a large development team in charge of the maintenance and evolution of a legacy IBM iSeries software, he was working on the payment department of a major banking company. As a first stage, he developed new functionalities for bank back-office employees as well as interfaces with external applications (mainly clearing houses). Later, he was part of a major retro-engineering and documentation project of a large piece of software used and maintained since the 70's.

In 2007, he came back at the University of Namur as a teaching assistant in the PReCISE Research Group. He's working on defining a method for distributed systems design mixing architecture and requirement modelling. The method intertwines requirement engineering, component-based design, physical infrastructure abstractions and model transformations.

As a teaching assistant, he is in charge of the programming practical exercises (on computer), architecture modelling method exercises and software engineering laboratory.

Domaines de compétence

Model Driven Engineering - Transformation Approaches - Architecture Description Languages - Distributed Systems - Requirement modelling - Design Decisions Traceability


Maîtrise en Informatique de Gestion


Graduated in Computer Sciences in 2005, Fabian worked two years for a Big-5 IT consulting company. Part of a large development team in charge of the maintenance and evolution of a legacy IBM iSeries software, he was working on the payment department of a major banking company. As a first stage, he developed new functionalities for bank back-office employees as well as interfaces with external applications (mainly clearing houses). Later, he was part of a major retro-engineering and documentation project of a large piece of software used and maintained since the 70's.

In 2007, he came back at the University of Namur as a teaching assistant in the PReCISE Research Group. As a Ph.D student, he first worked on defining an architectural framework mixing architecture and requirement modelling. The method intertwines requirement engineering, component-based design, physical infrastructure abstractions and iterative design through model transformations.

As a teaching assistant, he was in charge of the programming practical exercises (on computer), exercises on architecture modelling method and software engineering laboratory. He publicly defended his Ph.D Thesis in March 2015, at Namur, with title "Transformation-Wise Software Architecture Framework". The aim of this thesis was the definition of a methodological framework to strongly bind requirements, architecture models and design rationale around formal model transformations.

Now, he's working on the WebDeb project, aiming at developing a social platform to record and visualize rhetorical and monological arguments. This interdisciplinary project gathers researchers from the PReCISE Research Center, the Girsef (UCL) and the CENTAL (UCL) research groups.

Domaines de compétence

Model Driven Engineering - Transformation Approaches - Architecture Description Languages - Distributed Systems - Requirement modelling - Design Decisions Traceability - Web Development - Argumentation Modeling


Doctorat en Sciences, orientation Informatique

Maîtrise en Informatique de Gestion

Empreinte digitale

Passez en revue plus en détail les thèmes de recherche où Fabian GILSON est actif. Ces libellés thématiques proviennent des travaux de cette personne. Ensemble, ils forment une empreinte digitale unique.
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    Amrani, M., Gilson, F., Debieche, A. & Englebert, V., févr. 2017, MODELSWARD 2017 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Pires, L. F., Hammoudi, S. & Selic, B. (eds.). Porto (Portugal), Vol 2017-January. p. 569-576 8 p. (MODELSWARD 2017 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development; Vol 2017-January).

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