Grascomp Doctoral Day

Activité: Participation ou organisation d'un événementParticipation à un Colloque, une journée d'étude


Grascomp Doctoral Day (GDD) is a periodic event which aims to bring together Ph.D. students and researchers involved in computer science and engineering. This fifth edition will be organized by Ph.D. students representatives and will held at UNamur, December 10th, 2015. It will consist in 5 sessions of current hot research thematics in our research community. Each session will be chaired and introduced by a senior scientist. It will go on with talks of Ph.D. Students. Poster Sessions, presenting the work of all concerned students, will also take place during the day. Each Ph.D. Student is invited to present a Poster, describing his thesis objectives and contributions. There will be "Pitch Sessions" at the end of each thematic session, to promote the authors and their works.
Période10 déc. 2015
Type d'événementComité scientifique
EmplacementNamur, BelgiqueAfficher sur la carte