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Deville, G. (PI), Charlier, E. (PI) & Vanoirbeek, F. (PI)
1/09/16 → 31/08/19
Project: Research
File -
EFFaTA-MeM: Evocative Frameworks for Texts Analysis – Mediality Models – A transdisciplinary Approach
Linden, I. (CoI), Wallemacq, A. (CoI), BOSSE, A. (CoI), Deville, G. (CoI) & Dumas, B. (CoI)
2/11/15 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
CoBRA: CoBRA - Corpus-Based Reading Assistant
Deville, G. (PI), Romainville, M. (CoI), Vanbocketal, M.-K. (CoI) & Simons, L. (CoI)
15/01/13 → 14/01/15
Project: Research
CoBRA: CoBRA : Corpus-Based Reading Assistant
Deville, G. (PI), Romainville, M. (CoI), Neyt, P. (CoI) & Rees, J.-F. (CoI)
15/11/12 → 14/09/15
Project: Research
Deville, G. (PI), Romainville, M. (PI), Dumortier, L. (Support role), Meurisse, J.-R. (Support role) & Miceli, M. (Researcher)
1/09/08 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Application des Machines à Etats Finis en Synthèse de la Parole. Sélection d'unités non uniformes et Correction orthographique
Deville, G. (PI)
17/10/05 → 4/03/08
Project: PHD
NEDERLEX: Developping a generic tool for the edition of multimedia interactive reading materials in Dutch
Deville, G. (PI), Dumortier, L. (Technician), KUYPERS, W. (Researcher) & Miceli, M. (Researcher)
1/09/04 → 31/08/06
Project: Research
IATE: Maximizing the Effectiveness of the Interagency Terminology Exchange Database
Deville, G. (Researcher) & KUYPERS, W. (Researcher)
1/04/04 → 15/12/04
Project: Research
ARTHUR: Telecom architecture for hospital urgency services
Deville, G. (PI), Lobet-Maris, C. (PI), Poullet, Y. (PI), Schobbens, P. Y. (PI), DEPLANQUE, L. (Researcher), DUMONT, V. (Researcher), Herveg, J. (Researcher), Petit, M. (Researcher) & Rousseau, A. (Researcher)
1/10/00 → 1/10/03
Project: Research
L-KIT: Design and development of a toolkit for speech applications in foreign language learning
Deville, G. (PI) & Vanparys, J. (PI)
1/10/99 → 30/09/01
Project: Research
EUROMAP II: Network for Language Engineering in Europe
Deville, G. (PI)
1/10/98 → 30/04/99
Project: Research
DEMOSTHENE: DEMOSTHENE : automatic detection and correction of pronunciation errors for foreign language learners (Dutch)
Deville, G. (PI) & Vanparys, J. (PI)
1/09/98 → 31/08/99
Project: Research
APOLLO: An Open Workbench for Multilingual Document Creation and Maintenance
Deville, G. (PI)
1/10/96 → 30/09/97
Project: Research
ANTHEM: Advanced Natural Language Interface for Multi-Lingual Text Generation in Health Care
Deville, G. (PI)
15/12/93 → 14/12/95
Project: Research
MULTI-TALE: Generation of MULTI-lingual Specialized lexicons by using Augmented TAggers-LEmmatizers
Deville, G. (PI)
1/10/93 → 30/09/94
Project: Research