The challenges to the adoption of cryptocurrencies
: a study of the factors slowing down their adoption

  • Malika Rachidi

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en ingénieur de gestion à finalité spécialisée en Analytics & Digital Business


The popularity of cryptocurrencies is growing, and the current health crisis has only amplified the phenomenon. We observe that "the questions have changed, the world is no longer asking if cryptocurrencies will succeed but how and when they will become a reality for the general public" (Deutsche Bank, 2020). While there has been a significant evolution in the adoption of cryptocurrencies in developing countries, it seems that the evolution is much slower in others. Indeed, there are still challenges to overcome in order to face a major diffusion. In order to answer the Deutsche bank's question on how cryptocurrencies will spread, a first step will be to identify the elements that are generally holding back their adoption. Therefore, based on theories of resistance to technological innovations, this dissertation will serve as an initiating pillar in the identification of barriers to the adoption of cryptocurrencies among the population and will make it possible to complete the lack of information still present on this subject in the literature.
la date de réponse17 juin 2021
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurSarah Bouraga (Promoteur)

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