Implementation of a pure Mercury debugger

  • Olivier Annet

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster en sciences informatiques


    Mercury is a relatively new purely declarative logic programming language designed to provide the support that groups of application programmers need when building large programs. Most common errors of classic programming languages are detected by the Mercury compiler thanks to its strong type, mode and determinism system. However, the compiler can not catch, for example, logical errors. In this way, debuggers help programmers to identify bugs that would take hours to find them manually. This thesis presents the implementation of a pure Mercury debugger. Mercury has different back-ends, which means that the Mercury compiler compiles the Mercury code into another language (C, Java, Erlang, etc.). Contrary to the previous Mercury debuggers, this new one operates at another level allowing this debugger to work independently from the back-end.
    la date de réponse2008
    langue originaleAnglais
    L'institution diplômante
    • Universite de Namur
    SuperviseurWim Vanhoof (Promoteur)

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