Usefulness of a Gentle and Short Hemostasis Using the Transradial Band Device after Transradial Access for Percutaneous Coronary Angiography and Interventions to Reduce the Radial Artery Occlusion Rate (from the Prospective and Randomized CRASOC I, II, and III Studies)

Vincent Dangoisse, Antoine Guédès, Patrick Chenu, Claude Hanet, Clara Albert, Valérie Robin, Laurence Tavier, Christine Dury, Olivier Piraux, Juliette Domange, Karine Jourdan, Benoit Bihin, Erwin Schroeder

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


The study sought to evaluate the benefit of the reduction in intensity and duration of the hemostasis obtained with the transradial (TR) Band compression device on the radial artery occlusion (RAO) rate. RAO is the most frequent complication of TR access for cardiac catheterization and limits future use of this safe route. Its occurrence must be minimized. Between 2009 and 2016, 3,616 TR accesses were randomized to TR Band hemostasis during 3 consecutive protocols: CRASOC I (Compression of Radial ArterieS without Occlusion): 13 versus 10 cc of air into the TR Band and for 4 hours of continuous compression; CRASOC II: 10 cc of air for 3 hours versus 2 hours of compression; and CRASOC III: 10 cc of air for 2 hours versus 1.5 hours of compression and virtual 4F introducer as default sheath (both arms). Radial artery patency was assessed by plethysmography at 24 hours, using Doppler for doubtful or negative plethysmography. The primary end point, 24 hours of RAO, was markedly reduced when hemostasis was soft (10 cc of air) and short (1.5 hours) and resulted in a 2.3% rate of RAO versus 9.4% for 13 cc, 4 hours. Hemostasis was obtained in 89% of patients with only 10 cc of air and in 97% of patients with less than the recommended 13 cc. About 8% of patients required more than the 1.5 hours of hemostasis time. In conclusion, short and soft hemostasis with the TR Band device leads to a low RAO rate.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)374-379
Nombre de pages6
journalThe American journal of cardiology
Numéro de publication3
Date de mise en ligne précoce2017
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 août 2017
Modification externeOui

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