Treemap-based Burst Mapping Algorithm for Downlink Mobile WiMAX Systems

Joël Vanderpypen, Laurent Schumacher

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceArticle dans les actes d'une conférence/un colloque

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This paper presents our sqTM burst mapping algo- rithm for downlink Mobile WiMAX systems. Based on a treemap visualization algorithm, we introduce a new burst mapping scheme we called sqTM, greatly reducing the amount of wasted slots. We obtained between 60% and 75% reduction compared to some reference algorithms we implemented. These limited wastes are able to provide better cell throughput and larger cell capacities. Unfortunately, sqTM is significantly slower than reference algorithms, but still easily coping with 5 ms frames.
langue originaleAnglais
titre2011 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
Sous-titreProceedings : San Francisco, California, 5-8 September 2011
rédacteurs en chefJoel Vanderpypen, Laurent Schumacher
ISBN (Electronique)978-1-4244-8327-3
ISBN (imprimé)978-1-4244-8328-0
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Etat de la publicationPublié - 2011

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