Treatment failure and hospital readmissions in severe COPD exacerbations treated with azithromycin versus placebo - A post-hoc analysis of the BACE randomized controlled trial

Kristina Vermeersch, Ann Belmans, Kris Bogaerts, Iwein Gyselinck, Nina Cardinaels, Maria Gabrovska, Joseph Aumann, Ingel K. Demedts, Jean Louis Corhay, Eric Marchand, Hans Slabbynck, Christel Haenebalcke, Stefanie Vermeersch, Geert M. Verleden, Thierry Troosters, Vincent Ninane, Guy G. Brusselle, Wim Janssens, Vincent Ninane, Joseph AumannIngel K. Demedts, Hans Slabbynck, Christel Haenebalcke, Rudi Peché, Guy G. Brusselle, Walter Vincken, Jean Louis Corhay, Michiel Haerens, Antoine Fremault, Tine Lauwerier, Alix Debrock, Jan Lamont, Geert Tits, Paul Jordens, Alain Delobbe, Jean Benoît Martinot

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