The effect of charge transfer on the NLO response of some porphyrin-[60]fullerene dyads

V. Filidou, G. Chatzikyriakos, K. Iliopoulos, S. Couris, D. Bonifazi

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceArticle dans les actes d'une conférence/un colloque


    In the present work we report on the investigation of the nonlinear optical properties of some newly synthesized [60]fullerene-porphyrin dyads exhibiting important charge-transfer character by means of the Z-scan technique employing 532 nm laser pulses from a 4 ns Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The third-order susceptibility (χ(3)) and the second hyperpolarizability (γ) values of the studied derivatives have been determined. The present results have shown a significant enhancement of the nonlinear optical properties of [60]fullerene-porphyrin complexes compared to the unfunctionalized [C 60]fullerene due to the formation of charge transfer intermediates.

    langue originaleAnglais
    titreAIP Conference Proceedings
    Nombre de pages4
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 2010
    EvénementInternational Commission for Optics (ICO), Topical Meeting on "Emerging Trends and Novel Materials in Photonics", ICO-Photonics-Delphi2009 - Delphi, Grèce
    Durée: 7 oct. 20099 oct. 2009

    Une conférence

    Une conférenceInternational Commission for Optics (ICO), Topical Meeting on "Emerging Trends and Novel Materials in Photonics", ICO-Photonics-Delphi2009
    La villeDelphi

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