Sniffing out safety: canine detection and identification of SARS-CoV-2 infection from armpit sweat

Chris Callewaert, Maria Pezavant, Rony Vandaele, Bart Meeus, Ellen Vankrunkelsven, Phaedra Van Goethem, Alain Plumacker, Benoit Misset, Gilles Darcis, Sonia Piret, Lander De Vleeschouwer, Frank Staelens, Kristel Van Varenbergh, Sofie Tombeur, Anouck Ottevaere, Ilke Montag, Patricia Vandecandelaere, Stijn Jonckheere, Linos Vandekerckhove, Els TobbackGregoire Wieers, Jean Christophe Marot, Kurt Anseeuw, Leen D’Hoore, Sebastiaan Tuyls, Brecht De Tavernier, Julie Catteeuw, Ali Lotfi, Alexey Melnik, Alexander Aksenov, Dominique Grandjean, Miguel Stevens, Frank Gasthuys, Hugues Guyot

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