Proton- versus Cation-Selective Transport of Saccharide Rim-Appended Pillar[5]arene Artificial Water Channels

Iuliana M. Andrei, Wenzhang Chen, Marc Baaden, Stéphane P. Vincent, Mihail Barboiu

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Transport of water across cell membranes is a fundamental process for important biological functions. Herein, we focused our research on a new type of symmetrical saccharide rim-functionalized pillar[5]arene (PA-S) artificial water channels with variable pore structures. To point out the versatility of PA-S channels, we systematically varied the nature of anchoring/gate keepers d-mannoside, d-mannuronic acid, or sialic acid H-bonding groups on lateral pillar[5]arene (PA) arms, known as good membrane adhesives, to best describe the influence of the chemical structure on their transport activity. The control of hydrophobic membrane binding-hydrophilic water binding balance is an important feature influencing the channels’ structuration and efficiency for a proper insertion into bilayer membranes. The glycosylated PA channels’ transport performances were assessed in lipid bilayer membranes, and the channels were able to transport water at high rates (∼106-107 waters/s/channel within 1 order of magnitude as for aquaporins), serving as selective proton railways with total Na+ and K+ rejection. Molecular simulation substantiates the idea that the PAs can generate supramolecular pores, featuring hydrophilic carbohydrate gate-keepers that serve as water-sponge relays at the channel entrance, effectively absorbing and redirecting water within the channel. The present channels may be regarded as a rare biomimetic example of artificial channels presenting proton vs cation transport selectivity performances.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)21904-21914
Nombre de pages11
journalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Numéro de publication40
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 11 oct. 2023

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