New evidence of Nontronite as Rhyodacite alteration product, Nefza area, Northern Tunisia

Randa Ben Abdallah, M. Medhioub, Béchir Moussi, Johan Yans, N. HATIRA, H.-R. Chaftar, W. Hajjaji, Jean Marc Baele, Fakher Jamoussi

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticle


    The magmatic rocks of the Nefza district located in the NW part of Tunisia belong to a Neogene volcanic complex. It includes fresh rhyodacites weathered into kaolinite and/or halloysite, and nontronite. Chemical analyses of rhyodacites compared to the nontronite phase reveal an evolution in the composition in term of loss in Na, Ca, K. The values of CIW (Chemical Index of Weathering) and the AI index (Alteration Index of Ishikawa) show that the rhyodacite experienced chemical changes due to the leaching of the fresh rocks by meteoric and hydrothermal waters.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)178-194
    journalEuropean Journal of Scientific Research
    Numéro de publication2
    Etat de la publicationPublié - mai 2014

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