Human papillomavirus E6/E7 oncoproteins promote radiotherapy-mediated tumor suppression by globally hijacking host DNA damage repair

Diane Bruyere, Patrick Roncarati, Alizee Lebeau, Thomas Lerho, Florian Poulain, Elodie Hendrick, Charlotte Pilard, Celia Reynders, Marie Ancion, Margaux Luyckx, Michael Renard, Yves Jacob, Jean-Claude Twizere, Raphael Peiffer, Olivier Peulen, Philippe Delvenne, Pascale Hubert, Alison McBride, Nicolas Gillet, Murielle MassonMichael Herfs

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Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science

Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Immunology and Microbiology