How to classify the oldest old according to their health status: A study on 1160 subjects belonging to 552 90+ Italian sib-ships characterized by familial longevity recruited within the GEHA EU Project

Elisa Cevenini, Rodolfo Cotichini, Maria Antonietta Stazi, Virgilia Toccaceli, Maria Scurti, Vincenzo Mari, Maurizio Berardelli, Giuseppe Passarino, Bernard Jeune, Claudio Franceschi, Vladyslav Bezrukov, Hélené Blanché, Lars Bolund, Kaare Christensen, Luca Deiana, Efsthatios Gonos, Antti Hervonen, Tom B L Kirkwood, Peter Kristensen, Alberta LeonPier Giuseppe Pelicci, Markus Perola, Michel Poulain, Irene M. Rea, Josè Remacle, Jean Marie Robine, Stefan Schreiber, Ewa Sikora, P. Eline Slagboom, Liana Spazzafumo, Olivier Toussaint, James W. Vaupel

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