Dispersal-induced resilience to stochastic environmental fluctuations in populations with Allee effect

Rodrigo Crespo-Miguel, Javier Jarillo, Francisco J. Cao-García

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Many species are unsustainable at small population densities (Allee effect); i.e., below the so-called Allee threshold, the population decreases instead of growing. In a closed local population, environmental fluctuations always lead to extinction. Here, we show how, in spatially extended habitats, dispersal can lead to a sustainable population in a region, provided the amplitude of environmental fluctuations is below an extinction threshold. We have identified two types of sustainable populations: high-density and low-density populations (through a mean-field approximation, valid in the limit of large dispersal length). Our results show that patches where population is high, low, or extinct coexist when the population is close to global extinction (even for homogeneous habitats). The extinction threshold is maximum for characteristic dispersal distances much larger than the spatial scale of synchrony of environmental fluctuations. The extinction threshold increases proportionally to the square root of the dispersal rate and decreases with the Allee threshold. The low-population-density solution can allow understanding of difficulties in recovery after harvesting. This theoretical framework provides a unique approach to address other factors, such as habitat fragmentation or harvesting, impacting population resilience to environmental fluctuations.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article014413
journalPhysical Review E
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - janv. 2022

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