Binding Mechanisms between Laser-Welded Polyamide-6.6 and Native Aluminum Oxide

Pierre Hirchenhahn, Adham Al-Sayyad, Julien Bardon, Peter Plapper, Laurent Houssiau

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Nowadays, hybrid polymer/metal assemblies experience a growing demand in the industry, especially for transports and biomedical purposes. Those assemblies offer many advantages, such as lightweight structures and corrosion resistance. The main difficulty to assemble them remains. In this sense, laser welding is more than a promising technique because of its rapidity, the absence of intermediate materials, and its high design freedom. Unfortunately, several fundamental aspects are not well understood yet, as the chemical bonding at the interface. For this work, common materials are studied: polyamide-6.6 and aluminum. A previous published work strongly suggests the formation of a C-O-Al bond at the interface, but this information needs to be confirmed and the reaction mechanism is still uncertain. To achieve this goal, two different model samples were prepared. The first ones are spin-coated layers of polyamide-6.6 on mirror polished aluminum; the other samples are made of a layer of N-methylformamide mimicking the reactive part of the polymer, dip-coated on aluminum. Both sample types were analyzed with XPS and ToF-SIMS and display similar results: C-O-Al bond formation at the interface is confirmed and a reaction mechanism is proposed.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)33482-33497
Nombre de pages16
journalACS Omega
Numéro de publication49
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 14 déc. 2021

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