Modélisation et analyse dynamique en écologie microbienne : étude du chemostat

  • Julie Scheen

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    First some important concepts and results about dynamical systems are described. Then we use the chemostat to model the competition of two microorganisms for a single nutrient source. A classical result is established, namely the competitive exclusion principle, stating that in the long run only one organism survives. Next, on the basis of a paper by P. De Leenheer and H. Smith, the coexistence of the two organisms is achieved by means of an affine feedback control law for the dilution rate. The remaining freedom in the feedback law can be used to guarantee robustness and provide particular performance indices. Finally, the main results are illustrated by some numerical simulations.
    Date of Award2009
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorJoseph Winkin (Supervisor), Timoteo Carletti (Jury) & Charlotte Beauthier (Jury)

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