Les notions de limite et de dérivée en économie

  • Céline Rouard

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    This memory concerns the gap between the mathematics and the economy. We analyze the notions of derivative and limit in economist books. We compare the mathematics and economist courses which are studied in the first year in the economic department in the University of Namur. This double investigation is relalized to show the bad utilization of some mathematics notions in economy. Finally, we make an experience with four students in economy to test the different problems which were appeared during our study. By this memory, we explain the fundamental character of the mathematics in the economy and we hope that the mathematics's teacher could show the importance of their course in other disciplines.
    Date of Award31 Aug 2010
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorValerie HENRY (Supervisor), Jean-Jacques STRODIOT (Jury), Philippe Toint (Jury) & Suzanne Thiry (Jury)

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