Enseignement des limites de fonctions dans le secondaire

  • Aurélie De Yode

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Mathematics


    The limits constitute part of the systems design course which can seem rather simple but it should be known that they pose many concern to the pupils just like they posed some to the mathematicians much. Indeed, the concept is rather intuitive but it is also complicated to formalize. In this memory, we try to show the difficulties which various actors in direct link with the limits had: the mathematicians who formalized the concept, the professors who try to teach it with their pupils, the pupils who try to understand it and assimilate it and the authors of the programs and of the handbooks which have the will to transcribe the knowledge of the mathematicians in a language usuable by the teachers and the pupils.
    Date of Award31 Aug 2010
    Original languageFrench
    SupervisorValerie HENRY (Supervisor), Jean-Jacques STRODIOT (Jury), Philippe Toint (Jury) & Suzanne Thiry (Jury)

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