Assessing the effectiveness of loyalty programs in building customer engagement and loyalty

  • Virginie Bruneau

Student thesis: Doc typesDoctor of Economics and Business Management


There is no doubt that loyalty programs are still popular. But are they still effective? Marketers continue to put more and more time and money into their programs, but are they getting the kind of payoffs they expect in customer engagement and loyalty? Taking this issue as a starting point, this doctoral dissertation assesses the effectiveness of loyalty programs in building customer engagement and loyalty across three essays. Specifically, in the first essay a valid scale for customer engagement with loyalty programs is developed and its link with company engagement is assessed. The second essay identifies what reward types and communication features should be used to make members more engaged with LPs. The third essay identifies the behavioural patterns and types of online communication that tend to make customers sustainably loyal towards a company rather than short-term program loyal.
Date of Award18 Dec 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SponsorsUniversité Catholique de Louvain
SupervisorPietro Zidda (Co-Supervisor), Valérie Swaen (Co-Supervisor), Marie-Paule Kestemont (President), Alain Decrop (Jury), Nathalie Demoulin (Jury) & Yuping Liu-Thompkins (Jury)


  • loyalty programs
  • customer engagement
  • customer loyalty

Attachment to an Research Institute in UNAMUR

  • NADI

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