When students use podcasts to share their own expertise in building proofs

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


In 2012, the University of Namur (Belgium) launched the PUNCH project (‘PUNCH’, 2012). Within this framework, many experiences to rethink our teaching practices were sponsored. Among many others, the POD-EN-MATH project aims to help students in computer science to complete praxeologies (Chevallard, 2006; Winslow, 2008) when learning mathematical concepts and doing this with the help of high-quality podcasts. Students will gain experience by analyzing step-by-step our own procedure to make the link between theory and technics. Doing so would permit us to make the didactic contract more explicit (Brousseau, 1984). Indeed this procedure is not documented but only transmitted orally. The next step of the project is that students themselves provide content to our
podcast database. This experience put into evidence the difficulty we had to help students to communicate, to teach their own knowledge focusing on a more didactic point of view.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2017
Event10th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 1 Feb 20175 Feb 2017


Symposium10th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education
Abbreviated titleCERME 10
Internet address


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