Understanding Citizens’ Usability Requirements toward Visualization Features on Open Government Data Portals

  • Jehan BIHIN

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en sciences informatiques


Governments publish large amounts of data and use portals with visualization features to provide easy access and consultation to citizens. Despite this, open data portals remain little used in practice. There are many reasons for this, one potential being the usability of visualization features. Indeed, the scientific literature provides only few indications on how to guarantee good usability of these visualization features for end users. The objective of this thesis is therefore citizens’ requirements about visualization features on OGD portals, and to implement them into a high-fidelity prototype. We selected the OpenDataSoft portal solution due to its position in the market and conducted a user test with 5 participants, as well as an expert assessment with 2 usability experts to understand the difficulties faced by users and their requirements. The result shows a misunderstanding of the interfaces, a navigation problem, difficult to use graphic functionalities, useless cartographic functionality, barriers to reading dataset tables, and much more. After grouping and ordering, we defined 8 barriers to solve during this thesis in a medium-fidelity prototype but we also implemented a high-fidelity prototype solving most of these barriers.
la date de réponse16 juin 2022
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurBenoit Vanderose (Promoteur) & Antoine Clarinval (Copromoteur)

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