We introduced the concept of informed robots in the context of self-organised aggregation, and we studied how informed robots impact the aggregation dynamics. Informed robots are members of the swarm that have been informed a priori about the aggregation site to stop on, in an environment that offers multiple sites for aggregation. Apart from the preference on the site on which to aggregate, the behaviour of informed robots will be controlled by exactly the same mechanisms of non-informed robots. The roles of informed robots is to influence the aggregation dynamics, in a very indirect way, since none of the robots has any means to discriminate informed from non-informed robots.
la date de réponse | 9 mai 2023 |
langue originale | Anglais |
L'institution diplômante | |
Superviseur | Elio Tuci (Promoteur) & Eliseo Ferrante (Copromoteur) |
Self-organised Aggregation in Swarms of Robots with Informed Robots
FIRAT, Z. (Auteur). 9 mai 2023
Student thesis: Doc types › Docteur en Sciences