: a new task model for interactive systems

  • Mohamed Ben Amor

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster en sciences informatiques


    Task Analysis is considered to be one of the most powerful methods available in Human-Computer Interaction discipline. To support this important method we developed a new Task Model named Hamsters. It allows the specification of relevant information concerning different tasks related to the system in a formal way enabling analysts to use them in a systematic fashion. To achieve this we studied existing task models, selected important and successful concepts to preserve, and introduced various improvements at different levels: meta-model, notation, simulation and implementation. Hamsters is a very flexible model because it was developed with two principles in mind: modularity to support extensions; making it adaptable to various system types (critical safety systems in our case), and openness to other models (to complement them and enable cross-verification).
    la date de réponse2009
    langue originaleAnglais
    L'institution diplômante
    • Universite de Namur
    SuperviseurMonique Fraiture (Promoteur)

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