An Escape Game Theory

  • Martin VERJANS

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en sciences informatiques


The body of literature dedicated to Escape Games remains limited, despite their proliferation for several decades. In particular, the absence of a well-established formal framework for elucidating the fundamental nature of Escape Games is conspicuous. This work constitutes a first step towards filling this gap. We formalize the key mechanics of a typical Escape Game session, based on existing literary sources where the game concepts are typically introduced in an informal manner. This results in a first working framework for representing, manipulating and reasoning on a mathematical level with such games, notably through a representation of Escape Games as graphs governed by explicit rules. We also discuss extensions to this framework.
la date de réponse30 août 2023
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurWim Vanhoof (Promoteur) & Gonzague Yernaux (Copromoteur)

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