Synthesis, photophysical, electrochemical, and electrochemiluminescent properties of 5,15-bis(9-anthracenyl)porphyrin derivatives

Chloè Sooambar, Vincent Troiani, Carlo Bruno, Massimo Marcaccio, Francesco Paolucci, Andrea Listorti, Abdelhalim Belbakra, Nicola Armaroli, Alessandra Magistrato, Rita De Zorzi, Silvano Geremia, Davide Bonifazi

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Novel 5,15-bis(9-anthracenyl)porphyrin derivatives (1a, 1b) were synthesized by stepwise Suzuki-type coupling reactions using anthracenyl-boronates bearing various electronically active moieties. Absorption spectra of these porphyrin conjugates reveal some degree of delocalisation with the directly linked chromophores, particularly in the case of anthracenyl-porphyrin bearing dimethylanilino moieties at the two extremities. Fluorescence and 77 K phosphorescence properties indicate that the excitation energy is invariably funnelled to the lowest singlet and triplet states of the porphyrin chromophore. The latter levels have been probed also by transient absorption spectroscopy, showing the typical triplet features detected in meso-substituted porphyrins. Extensive electrochemical studies have been performed to unravel the electronic properties of the newly synthesized porphyrins. Low-temperature cyclic voltammetry investigations showed that the anthracenyl-porphyrins are capable of undergoing as many as four electron transfer processes. In particular, by means of UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical measurements, a NIR-centred intramolecular photoinduced intervalence charge transfer (IV-CT) from a neutral N,N-dimethylanilino moiety to the N,N-dimethylanilino radical cation has been observed for the doubly-oxidised porphyrin 1b2+. The molecules also showed unexpected electrogenerated chemiluminescence properties, which revealed to be largely controlled by the electronic characteristics of the peripheral anthracenyl substituents. The structural and the electronic properties of these complexes have been also characterised by DFT calculations, as well as by X-ray crystallographic analyses. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2009.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)2402-2413
Nombre de pages12
journalOrg. Biomol. Chem.
Numéro de publication11
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2009

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