Role of substance P and tachykinin receptor antagonists in citric acid-induced cough in pigs

Benoit Moreaux, Abderrhaim Nemmar, Gregoire Vincke, David Halloy, Dominique Beerens, Charles Advenier, Pascal Gustin

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticle


The purpose of this work was to investigate the role of tachykinins in cough induced by citric acid (0.8 M) in pigs. With this object, we have studied the effect of citric acid on substance P content in the tracheo-bronchial tree and the effects of substance P and of tachykinin receptor antagonists on citric acid-induced cough. Citric acid exposure significantly increased substance P concentration in both broncho-alveolar and tracheal lavage fluids, while it decreased significantly the substance P content in tracheal mucosa. Substance P did not elicit cough, but significantly potentiated the citric acid-induced cough frequency. Tachykinin NK1, NK2 or NK3 receptor antagonists, SR 140333 (nolpitantium), SR 48968 (saredutant) and SR 142801 (osanetant), respectively, significantly inhibited citric acid-induced cough. The same inhibitory effect of tachykinin receptor antagonists was observed, when substance P was nebulised before citric acid challenge. We conclude that citric acid induces in pigs a release of substance P in the tracheo-bronchial tree, which plays a sensitising role on the cough reflex. The involvement of tachykinin NK1, NK2, NK3 receptors are also demonstrated in this reflex.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)305-312
Nombre de pages8
journalEuropean Journal of Pharmacology
Numéro de publication3
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2000

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