Poynting vector in transfer-matrix formalism for the calculation of light absorption profile in stratified isotropic optical media

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueLettreRevue par des pairs


    In spite of the fact that solutions to Maxwell's equations in stratified isotropic optical media are well known, it appears that an explicit expression of the Poynting vector flux spatial evolution inside such a medium has not been derived so far. Based on exact electromagnetic field solutions in the transfer-matrix formalism, I derive such an expression and show that, due to the presence of counterpropagating waves in the medium, an additional contribution to the flux appears that exists only in optically absorbing layers and arises from the interference between these waves. Based on this theory, the concept of incremental absorption is introduced for the calculation of the light absorption profile along the stratification direction. As an illustration of this concept, absorption profiles in a Si-based thin-film tandem solar cell are predicted at typical wavelengths.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)3960-3962
    Nombre de pages3
    journalOptics Letters
    Numéro de publication20
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 15 oct. 2011

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