Multicenter evaluation of the phosphorylcholine-coated biodivYsio stent in short de novo coronary lesions: The SOPHOS study

J. L. Boland, H. A.M. Corbeij, W. Van der Giessen, R. Seabra-Gomes, H. Suryapranata, W. Wijns, C. Hanet, M. J. Suttorp, C. Buller, J. J.R.M. Bonnier, A. Colombo, C. Van Birgelen, M. Pieper, J. A. Mangioni, H. Londero, R. G. Carere, C. W. Hamm, R. Bonan, A. Bartorelli, Z. S. KyriakidesA. Chauhan, M. Rothman, L. Grinfeld, C. Oosterwijk, P. W. Serruys, D. C. Cumberland

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