Hybrid alginate-silica beads and method for obtaining them

Jonathan Desmet (Inventeur), Christophe Meunier (Inventeur), Bao-Lian Su (Inventeur)

Résultats de recherche: brevetBrevet


The invention relates to a hybrid silica bead having a millimeter scaled-size adapted for the entrapment of a component or a bioactive substance, wherein the bead is formed of a porous core comprised of a hybrid alginate-silica (1) and an external porous layer comprising silica and a silica concentrator (2). The present invention is also related to a one-pot process for the preparation of these hybrid beads and to the use of the beads according to the invention.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro de brevetUS2016143857
CIBA61K 36/ 05 A I
Date de priorité17/06/14
Etat de la publicationPublié - 26 mai 2016

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