Graphene oxide coated flower-shaped ZnO nanorods: Optoelectronic properties

I. Boukhoubza, M. Khenfouch, M. Achehboune, L. Leontie, A. Carlescu, C. Doroftei, B. M. Mothudi, I. Zorkani, A. Jorio

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


    In this paper, the influence of graphene oxide coating on optical and photoluminescence properties of zinc oxide nanorods (ZnO NRs) has been investigated. ZnO NRs were prepared using a hydrothermal route (from zinc nitrate hexahydrate and hexamethylenetetramine), graphene oxide (GO) was fabricated by Hummer's method, while for synthesis of ZnO nanorods:graphene oxide nanocomposite (ZnO NRs:GO) on Si (100) substrate, a facile technique (drop coating) was proposed. The structural, morphological, optical and luminescence properties of the films were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), together with Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman, ultraviolet–visible–near-infrared (UV/VIS/NIR) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies. As revealed by XRD analysis, composites display a hexagonal wurtzite type structure with a (101) preferred grain orientation. The average crystallite sizes decrease from 45 to 40 nm after GO coating. The SEM study confirms successful coating of GO layers on flower-like ZnO nanostructures. The FTIR and Raman analyses validated the hybridization of nanocomposite and the strong interaction between ZnO NRs and GO. The band gap of the ZnO NRs:GO nanocomposite is lower (2.95eV) compared to that of ZnO NRs (3.11 eV), as determined from the analysis of UV absorbance spectra. The ZnO NRs:GO nanocomposite exhibits a broad PL band, from ∼450 nm to ∼750 nm, with a nearly white-light integrated emission and a chromaticity coordinate of (0.25, 0.34). Gaussian deconvoluted broad PL band exhibits three distinct sub-bands, associated with radiative recombinations in ZnO and GO.

    langue originaleAnglais
    Numéro d'article154874
    journalJournal of alloys and Compounds
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 5 août 2020

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