Effects of exercise and oral antioxidant supplementation enriched in (n - 3) fatty acids on blood oxidant markers and erythrocyte membrane fluidity in horses

B. De Moffarts, K. Portier, N. Kirschvink, J. Coudert, N. Fellmann, E. van Erck, C. Letellier, C. Motta, J. Pincemail, T. Art, P. Lekeux

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


The aim of this study was to investigate in a placebo-controlled field study the effect of a (n - 3)-vitamin supplementation on erythrocyte membrane fluidity (EMF), oxidant/antioxidant markers and plasmatic ω3/ω6 fatty acid ratio (FAR) in 12 eventing horses. Venous blood was sampled at rest before (PRE) and after (POST) a three week treatment period with either the supplement (group S, n = 6) or a placebo (group P, n = 6) as well as after 15 min (POST E15′) and 24 h (POST E24h) after a standardised exercise test. The following markers were analysed: EMF, plasma antioxidant capacity of water and lipid soluble components, ascorbic acid, uric acid (UA), glutathione (reduced: GSH, oxidised: GSSG), vitamin E (Vit E), β-carotene, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, selenium, copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), oxidised proteins (Protox), lipid peroxides (Pool) and FAR. EMF did not differ between group S and P after treatment, but GPx remained unchanged in group S whereas it decreased in group P and plasma Cu/Zn ratio remained unchanged whereas it increased in group P. FAR were significantly increased in group S. Exercise induced a significant decrease of EMF (POST vs. E24h) in both groups, but which was significantly lower at E15′ in group S than in group P. Exercise induced a significant increase of UA and ACW (POST vs. E15′) and Protox (POST vs. E24h) in both groups. An exercise-related decrease in GSH and Pool (POST vs. E15′) was found in group P, whereas Vit E and FAR (POST vs. E24h) significantly decreased in both groups. The study showed that exercise induced a decrease in EMF in horses associated with changes of blood oxidative balance. The (ω-3)-vitamin supplementation tested improved the oxidative balance poorly but delayed the exercise-induced decrease of EMF and increased the FAR.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)113-121
Nombre de pages9
journalVeterinary journal
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - juil. 2007

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