Curcumin-gold-polyethylene glycol nanoparticles as a nanosensitizer for photothermal and sonodynamic therapies: In vitro and animal model studies

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Photothermal and ultrasound therapies are novel non-invasive strategies for tumor treatment which are equipped with a photosensitizer and sonosensitizer subsequent activation by laser irradiation and ultrasound exposure. In this study, curcumin-gold-polyethylene glycol nanoparticles (Cur-Au NPs-PEG) were synthesized, and the dual role in photothermal (PTT) and sonodynamic (SDT) therapies of melanoma cancer was evaluated. The toxicity effect of Cur-Au NPs-PEG against a mouse malignant melanoma cell line C540 (B16/F10) was firstly inspected in vitro. Cur-Au NPs-PEG provided a hyperthermal microenvironment and generated reactive oxygen species upon PTT and STD, respectively, with representing synergism effects. Studies in vivo in a tumor-bearing animal also demonstrate the superiority of PTT and SDT in destroying melanoma tumor.
langue originaleAnglais
Publication spécialiséePhotodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - mars 2021
Modification externeOui

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