Botsing, a Search-based Crash Reproduction Framework for Java

Pouria Derakhshanfar, Xavier Devroey, Annibale Panichella, Andy Zaidman, Arie Van Deursen

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceArticle dans les actes d'une conférence/un colloque


Approaches for automatic crash reproduction aim to generate test cases that reproduce crashes starting from the crash stack traces. These tests help developers during their debugging practices. One of the most promising techniques in this research field leverages search-based software testing techniques for generating crash reproducing test cases. In this paper, we introduce Botsing, an open-source search-based crash reproduction framework for Java. Botsing implements state-of-the-art and novel approaches for crash reproduction. The well-documented architecture of Botsing makes it an easy-to-extend framework, and can hence be used for implementing new approaches to improve crash reproduction. We have applied Botsing to a wide range of crashes collected from open source systems. Furthermore, we conducted a qualitative assessment of the crash-reproducing test cases with our industrial partners. In both cases, Botsing could reproduce a notable amount of the given stack traces.Demo. video: Botsing website:

langue originaleAnglais
titreProceedings - 2020 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2020
EditeurACM Press
Nombre de pages5
ISBN (Electronique)9781450367684
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - sept. 2020
Modification externeOui
Evénement35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2020 - Virtual, Melbourne, Australie
Durée: 22 sept. 202025 sept. 2020

Série de publications

NomProceedings - 2020 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2020

Une conférence

Une conférence35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2020
La villeVirtual, Melbourne

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