Bioinspired artificial photonic nanoarchitecture using the elytron of the beetle Trigonophorus rothschildi varians as a 'blueprint'

L.P. Biró, K. Kertész, E. Horváth, G.I. Márk, G. Molnár, Z. Vértesy, J.-F. Tsai, A. Kun, Zs. Bálint, J.P. Vigneron

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


    An unusual, intercalated photonic nanoarchitecture was discovered in the elytra of Taiwanese Trigonophorus rothschildi varians beetles. It consists of a multilayer structure intercalated with a random distribution of cylindrical holes normal to the plane of the multilayer. The nanoarchitectures were characterized structurally by scanning electron microscopy and optically by normal incidence, integrated and goniometric reflectance measurements. They exhibit an unsaturated specular and saturated non-specular component of the reflected light. Bioinspired, artificial nanoarchitectures of similar structure and with similar properties were realized by drilling holes of submicron size in a multilayer structure, showing that such photonic nanoarchitectures of biological origin may constitute valuable blueprints for artificial photonic materials.
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)887-894
    Nombre de pages8
    journalJournal of the Royal Society Interface
    Numéro de publication47
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 6 juin 2010

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