Assessment of acquired activated protein C resistance with the FibWave and comparison with the ETP-based APC resistance

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INTRODUCTION: Activated protein C (APC) resistance is a major risk factor of venous thrombosis which may be acquired by hormonal therapy or other causes. The FibWave, a sensitive global clot-based assay design to analyze the coagulation kinetics in plasma, may be a good candidate to assess this prothrombotic state. This study aims to assess the suitability of the FibWave to differentiate the coagulation kinetics of women on oral contraceptives.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-four healthy volunteers were divided into 5 groups: men [n = 13], women not using hormonal contraception [n = 12], women using second [n = 12] or third generation [n = 12] combined oral contraceptives, and women using progestin only contraceptive [n = 5]. Patients with coagulation abnormalities were also assessed [n = 8]. The APC resistance was assessed on the FibWave using exogenous APC or Protac, and on the Calibrated Automated Thrombogram using the ETP-based APC resistance assay.

RESULTS: Either in presence or in absence of APC or Protac, the FibWave was able to detect a hypercoagulable state in plasma samples. All combined oral contraceptives showed a lower FW-Max1 , FW-Max2, and FW-Min2 percentage of inhibition and a lower FW-Ttpeak ratio than the other groups. The sensitivity of the FibWave was similar to the one of the ETP-based APC resistance assay.

CONCLUSION: The FibWave is able to differentiate APC resistance levels observed in women on combined oral contraceptive. The FW-Max1 , FW-Max2, and to a lesser degree FW-Min2 were identified as the most sensitive parameters with a similar performance to the ETP-based APC resistance assay.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)802-812
Nombre de pages11
journalInternational Journal of Laboratory Hematology
Numéro de publication4
Date de mise en ligne précoce2020
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - août 2021

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