A highly ordered mesoporous aluminosilicate, CMI-10, with a Si/Al ratio of one

Xiao Yu Yang, Aurelien Vantomme, Arnaud Lemaire, Feng Shou Xiao, Bao Lian Su

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


An aluminosilicate ester was used as single source of silicon and aluminum for the synthesis of ordered mesoporous aluminosilicates since it is one of the most important chemicals for industrial processes. Aluminosilicate precursor contains two alkoxide functionalities that can undergo hydrolysis and polycondensation, enabling the construction of a continuous Si-O-Al framework. The high aluminum content can be directly attributed to the use of the unique aluminosilicate ester already containing the Al-O-Si linkages. The good control of the hydrolysis and condensation rates of the two functionalities greatly contribute to the high aluminum content. The method provides a facile and unique approach for the synthesis of highly organized mesoporous mixed element oxide materials with defined structure, and stable active sites.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)2117-2122
Nombre de pages6
journalAdvanced materials
Numéro de publication16
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 18 août 2006

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