À propos d'une redéfinition patrimoniale dans les campagnes au nord de Milan au début du xive siècle

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This article focuses on a complex land properties transaction performed in Lombardy in 1317 by the women's Benedictine abbey of St. Victor of Meda, close to Milan, with two main partners: The religious community of St. Bartholomew of Monza, belonging to the penitential Order of the Humiliati, and the dominus Corrado Lambertenghi, member of one of Como's most important aristocratic families. Disclosed by a small record of documentary charter nowadays preserved in the archives of St. Victor, this transaction gives a dynamic portrait of the land between Milan and Como at the beginning of xivth century. In addition, by retracing its main steps, we will observe how its key players' economic choices were influenced by the political consequences, at local and regional levels, of the ongoing conflict between the Avignon Papacy and the Ghibellines Visconti, lords of Milan.

Titre traduit de la contributionOn a patrimonial redefinition in the land properties of northern Milan at the beginning of 14th century
langue originaleFrançais
Pages (de - à)447-466
Nombre de pages20
journalLe Moyen Age
Numéro de publication2
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2014

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