Michael Petit

Calculé d’après le nombre de publications stockées dans Pure et de citations dans Scopus

Résultat de recherche par an

Profil personnel


- Master in Computer Science, University of Namur (UNamur), September 1992
- PhD in Computer Science, University of Namur (UNamur), October 1999
- BCS Foundation Certificate in Green IT


Michaël Petit holds a Master and a PhD in Computer Science from the Computer Science Faculty of the University of Namur (1992 and 1999) . He is now a professor there (2004).

His research interests include:

  • Requirements Engineering;
  • Enterprise and Business Strategy Modelling;
  • Interoperability;
  • Model-based Business-IT Alignment.

Domaines de compétence

Alignement business-IT, modèles d'affaires, modélisation d'entreprise, modélisation, langages de modélisation, systèmes d'information, méthodes formelles, productique, agents, ingénierie des exigences, meta-modélisation, réutilisation de spécifications, multi-formalisme

Charges externes

- 1995-2002: Member of the IFIP-IFAC Task Force on Enterprise Integration
- Since 2008: Member of the IFIP Working Group 8.1 on Design and Evaluation of Information Systems
- Labelled CASSIS Consultant for software selection projects



Michaël Petit holds a Master and a PhD in Computer Science from the Computer Science Faculty of the University of Namur (1992 and 1999) . He is now a professor there (2004).

His research interests include:

  • Requirements Engineering;
  • Enterprise and Business Strategy Modelling;
  • Interoperability;
  • Model-based Business-IT Alignment;
  • Green IT and ICT for sustainable development.

Domaines de compétence

Alignement business-IT, modèles d'affaires, modélisation d'entreprise, modélisation, langages de modélisation, systèmes d'information, méthodes formelles, productique, agents, ingénierie des exigences, meta-modélisation, réutilisation de spécifications, multi-formalisme, Informatique et développement durable

Charges externes

Qualification académique

Docteur ès sciences, Formal requirements engineering of manufacturing systems: a multi-formalism and component-based approach, Universite de Namur

Date d'octroi: 30 juin 1999

Empreinte digitale

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